Every year as the holidays roll in so does the design of the ABS program book for me, the staff and our fabulous exhibitors. The contents of this single book created just for you and is always filled with the best and the brightest stars in the salon industry. This year it will be hitting mailboxes between Christmas and New Years Day. So if you are in a snowy part of the country and have access to a fireplace, cuddle up next to a fire, with a cup of hot cocoa and dig in. Figure out what you want to learn or need to learn to stay competitive in the industry. If you don't know what you need, let the book tell you. WHAT? I know that sounds funny but every year we create a page in the book with a list of what you need to see and do at the show depending on your profession. This list is always approved by our CC Board of salon owners and professionals. Look for that page this year....Work it!
Earn all your CE hours from us in one weekend! Did you know if you learn more, you earn more? Spend two days at the show and spend one taking great classes and the other for shopping. Or go for all THREE days and SEE EVERYTHING!....Really Work it!
Plan your spectacular professional beauty shopping spree! Are you saying, "Oh I wish I could afford it this year?" Bunk! I say! Be a savvy shopper! If you plan and save for this in December, by March 27 -29 you could have saved up for everything you need and WANT from the show! You can also visit with the exhibitors and get their catalogs and business cards and use that connection after the show for even larger purchases..small too! The beauty of our show is you get to meet real people, see real techniques to use yourself, and these people really want to meet you. Bring questions, ask for their special show deal... Work it!
Every year I'm so excited to jump into the design of this very important book. It's even more exciting when it's ready to go live on our website and gets printed! I always feel like a proud parent. We post a downloadable pdf online around mid December of the book so you can print it out or save to your computer and take it on your holiday travels or hey even post it up in your salon! Maybe you'll find a partner to split travel expenses with! Hmmmm. Do you get where I'm going with this?...Work it!
America's Beauty Show | March 27 -29, 2010 | McCormick Place | Chicago, USA
Visit us at www.americasbeautyshow.com